5 Things I Wish I’d Know When I Started an Art Business

I know this sounds crazy, but I really didn’t put much thought into starting an art business. People had told me over and over that I should be selling my art, but the comments pretty much went in one ear and out the other. That is until one day I woke up and thought “I should be selling my art” and what do I need to do to make this happen. I spent the day in the black hole of Google and got a quick education. I really don’t remember if it took a day or a week to decide on the name and get registered with the state, but I do know that I would have loved to have had a checklist (hmmm, that should be my next blog topic for sure) and some advice on how to proceed. Jumping off a cliff is definitely my style, but not always the most efficient.

I have done my best to share things that I wish I had known from the beginning. I truly hope someone, somewhere will find something here that will make their startup run more smoothly and successfully. Happy growing!

Don’t Rush the Naming Process:

  • Domain Name

  • Business Name
  • IG/TikTok/FB Handles

  • Email Addresses

I chose my business name first. Then I registered the Ilc with the state and applied for federal and state tax ID numbers. The problem that I create for myself was that when I went to choose a domain name, IG handle, email address, etc., many of the names I wanted weren’t available. This resulted in not having everything consistent which isn’t ideal. 

It’s Important to Put Your Face “Out There”

  • Social media profiles should be a version of a headshot and not a logo

  • When you build a website, make sure you include and “About Me” section with picture(s)

  • Yes, people want to see a reel of you talking to them on IG

This was a hard one for me, I have never liked drawing attention to myself. When I created my IG profile, I chose to use my logo because I wasn’t comfortable using my picture. I cringed at the thought of even a picture of me in a post, and a video was a hell no. It does get easier each time you do it, I promise. Do you want to be comfortable or successful?

Artwork Archive

  • Affordable

  • Easy to Use

  • Inventory Management

  • Website substitute (in the early stage)

  • Create and print price tags

  • Certificates of Authenticity

If I had known about Artwork Archive I could have saved much time and frustration! I HIGHLY recommend using it from the very beginning.

Importance of Building an E-mail list

  • This is one of the top 3 things that I wish I had understood and quite possibly #1

  • You can build a list without being pushy

I heard this advice, but I didn't listen. I thought that I would never want to send emails because I thought no one would choose to receive more emails. Here’s the thing, I do find myself joining a select group of newsletter communities and love the ones I receive. When you send information to a group of people who have chosen to stay in touch with you, the message is much more powerful, personal, and effective. You can start your list with close friends and family, think Christmas card list. As you grow, you can invite people to join your list and give them something in return: free shipping, discount code, a how to guide, etc. I waited over a year before I started a list which was a BIG mistake, HUGE.

Don’t Try and Do Everything

  • You don’t need a functioning website to get started. When you do decide to create one, it doesn’t need to fancy, just professional. You can update and expand it as your business grows. Squarespace is a terrific platform to checkout.

  • Focus on creating great art, don’t forget that’s why you have a business. It’s easy to get bogged down in administrative stuff.

  • Limit what you create in the beginning. Don’t try to do originals, giclees, prints, merchandise, etc. all at once. Get established, then expand.

  • I suggest choosing one social media platform and pour all your energy into it in the beginning. Once again, there is only one of you, unless you are fortunate enough to hire a social media manager from the beginning. If you are, GO YOU!

That’s a wrap, even though there’s way more I could share, this is probably overload as it is.

Please share with someone you think can use it.

Also, I would love to hear from you if you found something helpful.

Go be a badass boss lady to yourself and grow baby grow!!!



Do You Want to be Comfortable or Successful


Is it Finished?